Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Saturn 28th Feb

Very gusty tonight.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

New Guider

Here's a picture of my new Auto Guide Port controller. Exciting isn't it?
I used push to make switches and a small plastic case from Maplins. The green button is up. The cable was from an old fax machine ( has to be RJ12, 6 pins).
I chopped off the BT plug and wired to the switches as per Nexstar Resource site instructions, then plugged it into the guide port.
It works like a dream. The lead is long enough so that I can have the controller right by my laptop, so for planetery imaging at the 1x speed it's perfect.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Saturns rings

While waiting for the rain to stop and skies to clear, here is a nice Cassini view of Saturns rings that I found on the web.


Monday, February 20, 2006

Saturn 20th Feb.

The sky is clear tonight apart from the odd cloud, but there is wind and therefore bad seeing.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Saturns moons on 18th Feb.

Here are some of Saturns moons shown alongside an image of Saturn captured at prime focus. The bright moon is Titan.

Saturn 18th Feb. later

Managed to capture these before the fog really rolled in... it's a real pea souper now.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Re-processed images from 17th Feb.

Saturn 18th Feb. early morning

Later on the seeing was not as good.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Saturn 17th Feb

Better seeing tonight.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Saturn 15th Feb.

A lot of turbulance tonight.
C9.25, 4xImagemate, Toucam Pro II, 2000 frame AVI best 40%, Paintshop Pro.
Reduced by 50%.

C9.25, 2xBarlow, Toucam Pro II, 2000 frame AVI best 40%, Paintshop Pro.
Reduced by 50%.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Covingham Observatory.

Here are a set of pictures of my new observatory.
The pillar is set in a 3ft x 3ft square by about 2.5ft deep re-inforced concrete block, (it's only 2.5 ft deep because I came across the water table... that was fun). The corner shed itself sits on 16 concrete blocks.
The 2 metre steel tube was purchased locally and the pier top was bought from company called Epsilon, and I used velcro strips from Compaq for attaching the HC holder and cables to the pier. The two central corrugated roof sections are secured using some hook and eyes and are just pushed to the side when observing.
I have laid an old rug on the floor just in case I drop something, and have one of those TV shelf things that I use to support my laptop.
I still have some work to do, but it's well usable. :-)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Tycho from 10th Feb

I wasn't going to process this because the video looked crap! but I managed to get something out of it. Very high Sun angle.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cassini - This is what Saturn should look like...


Partial Moon mosaic from 8th Feb

I took this using Toucam's image software 'PhotoImpression', one frame at a time, and used Panavue to stick'em together. It's a partial mosaic because I missed out loads of bits :-(
It consists of eighteen 1280x960 images, the original is huge and is on my astroweb site.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


I love this comment on one of the Yahoo newsgroups. His wife talking about his large telescope:-

"why not put some fins on that thing and a motor and just fly up there for a better look"


...more Moon from the 10th Feb




Hi-Res Moon images from 10th Feb



Lunar Orbiter Digitization Project - Orbiter IV

Saturn 10th Feb

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Saturn 9th Feb

Not very good seeing tonight, (Pickering of 5), but I managed to squeeze out a couple of Saturn pics.
(I've processed and posted these up whilst sitting in my observatory... posh eh?)
Top; C9.25, 4xImagemate, Toucam, best 40% of 3000 frame AVI
Middle; C9.25, 2xBarlow, Toucam, best 40% of 3000 frame AVI
Lower; C9.25, Prime focus, Toucam, best 60% of 400 frame AVI

... Below are some of the Moons from earlier:-